1. 克隆⚓
type Logger struct {
func (log *Logger) clone() *Logger {
copy := *log
return ©
2. 释放引用⚓
func (ce *CheckedEntry) reset() {
ce.Entry = Entry{}
ce.ErrorOutput = nil
ce.dirty = false
ce.should = WriteThenNoop
for i := range ce.cores {
// don't keep references to cores
ce.cores[i] = nil
ce.cores = ce.cores[:0]
3. 自身 nil 时获取新实例⚓
func (ce *CheckedEntry) Should(ent Entry, should CheckWriteAction) *CheckedEntry {
if ce == nil {
ce = getCheckedEntry()
ce.Entry = ent
ce.should = should
return ce
4. 方法转换为符合定义的接口类型⚓
// An Option configures a Logger.
type Option interface {
// optionFunc wraps a func so it satisfies the Option interface.
type optionFunc func(*Logger)
func (f optionFunc) apply(log *Logger) {
// WrapCore wraps or replaces the Logger's underlying zapcore.Core.
func WrapCore(f func(zapcore.Core) zapcore.Core) Option {
return optionFunc(func(log *Logger) {
log.core = f(log.core)
5. 类型别名⚓
// Field is an alias for Field. Aliasing this type dramatically
// improves the navigability of this package's API documentation.
type Field = zapcore.Field
// Bool constructs a field that carries a bool.
func Bool(key string, val bool) Field {
var ival int64
if val {
ival = 1
return Field{Key: key, Type: zapcore.BoolType, Integer: ival}